šŸæ From Agency to Venture Using Brand

.. how Tiny has used Brand to get easy deal-flow


Whats up! Welcome to Wouters blog. Itā€™s Wednesday, letā€™s get it!

When we write newsletters, tweets and other content. We usually do so with alternative motives.

I am writing this to get you to think i am smart and cool. So we can hopefully become friends by trying to provide value to you.

Personal brands can fuel bigger businesses really strongly too. That's a key usecase. Today's short newsletter we're looking at how Andrew Wilkinson has created a blueprint to go from Agency to Hold-co investor.

In the email i will be talking about how Wilkinson is:

  • Using Brand to create visibility and credibility

  • Capitalises on his ability to Network

Wilkinson in 2006 started an agency called MetaLab that was a design agency. It used Canadian designers to work on Sillicon Valley projects. The arbitrage between Canadian pay and US fees was key.

It's a reason why the Agency grew from $200k in profit in 2009 to over $3M three years later.

Using all of these profits Andrew created Tiny. His portfolio holding company. As of 2023 Tiny has over 30 businesses valued at over 1 Billion.

Tiny is frequently referred to ask the 'Berkshire Hathaway of the internet". remember berkshire? We covered Buffet's shareholder letters as a way to build brand not too long ago!

p.s, Iā€™m building this newsletter in public! If you want to see the behind the scenes, follow me on twitter.. Follow me booty here lad.

Creating Visibility and Credibility

The comparison to Berkshire is a purposeful one. Tiny's investment strategy has given their reputation a solid foundation.

It is not just 108 deals with an average check size of $20M that builds that reputation. But the credibility that Wilkinson and his brand provides.

Wilkinson has described himself as being ā€œan inch deep and a mile wideā€ and he admits he isn't suited for day to day execution, acknowledging his areas of opportunity gives him credibility. He has said that

Tiny has earned the reputation of being the ā€˜good guysā€™ of private equity and Wilkinson is often referred to as the ā€˜Warren Buffet of the internetā€™ which adds to the brandā€™s credibility in being associated with such a renowned public figure.

Andrew Wilkinson

Prioritizing Growth Over All ā€¦

Wilkinson uses his brand to network furiously. As a result he has connections with nearly any influential person you can think of.

On the My First Million podcast, Sam Parr talks about how Wilkinson sent his private plane to pick him up so that they could meet, and how he generally goes through great lengths like this to meet people that interest him.

This doesn't seem to have any initial value. That trip probably cost Wilkinson $5-30k? (I don't know i don't fly private haha). But, undoubtedly his multiple appearances on the MFM podcast have been well worth it. And his friendships with the hosts likely too.

I think there are lots of takeaways we can learn from Wilkinsons brand building. Importantly brand is how Wilkinson transitioned from running an agency to creating a holding company.

The focus on visibility and credibility are key. Drawing comparisons to Buffet, Wilkinsons clever linking to Buffet bump his reputation.

Similarly Wilkinson leverages his personal brand to create extensive networks with influential individuals. His proactive appraoch such as personal interactions and leveraging media appearances, have been crucial in building relationships that support his business endeavors. This most certainly increases Tiny's deal flow..

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Donā€™t forget to come back for Fridays newsletter where I will cover:

  • The weekly newsletter media breakdown!