How Nick Huber is creating a Billion Dollar Empire right in front of you...


Whats up! Welcome to Wouters blog. It’s Friday! That means i’m going to be covering:

  • A deep dive break down.

Today - we’re covering Nick Huber. The man who is leveraging newsletters, podcasts and twitter to build a billion dollar empire. Find out in todays edition how.

P.s, I’m building this newsletter in public! If you want to see the behind the scenes, follow me on twitter..

How Nick Huber is creating a Billion Dollar Empire right in front of you...

Nick owns over 11 businesses.... 7 of which he started this year.

And they're all working 24/7 to help him live the life he wants... And probably become a Billionaire.

He is creating what I call the Nick Huber playbook.

And it's fucking awesome, because it's fun and you can do it too. Or at least, i'm going to try. Today i'm going to break down Nicks Entrepreunerial rise and explain the playbook to you. Pay attention.

Early Life/Career
Behind the man

It's always interesting to see the origin stories of people. How did their childhood effect them growing up?

Can we trace back personality traits, takes, beliefs back to childhood?

Most certainly.

So although this is the focal point of todays newsletter, it IS core to the Nick Huber story. It would be irresponsible to ignore. Nicks mum is a Nurse and his Dad (was) a Construction Manager. They instilled a work ethic in him from a young age.

Starting at 13 Nick was mowing lawns.

“We're talking about probably 20 hours a week of mowing, 7 commercial properties, 3 multi-families and the rest shopping centers”.

Nick didn't do anything too remarkable at this point. But, in University in his second last year ('11) he founded Storage Squad. He ran this business for 7!! years, and it sounded like hell. Definitely very different to the internet-money (less sweaty) he's making now.

But running a physical business like this was invaluable:

“In ‘11 I was driving a cargo van picking up boxes. We learned how to hire people, we learned how to manage people and made a lot of mistakes. 6-7 years into that we had some serious operational shops” .

In 2020 the company got acquired for about 1x EBITDA, and ended up selling for ~$1,500,000. Probably not his first million given the years of good cashflow. But definitely a big injection. The company still exists today btw which is neat.

Since the sale, Nick pivoted into content creation and real estate.

He started growing on X, pumping money into his podcast, newsletter and other content.

Now this. This is where the Nick Huber playbook begins.

The Huber Playbook gets written

In late 2019 Nick starts going hard on Twitter. Today he has 340k+ followers. But with even 180k followers he was able to raise $20M+ of capital to invest in real-estate.

He started a newsletter and investing more in Twitter.

“​​2021 was a year where we went from six employees to 45 employees. We bought $50M of the stores, we raised $25M of investor capital, and all that on the back of about 30K Twitter followers that I had in 2021”

Today he sends his newsletter to more than 100,000 people. And the most important thing -- they're relevant to his brand.

“[His subscribers] they're people who do real estate deals and they own small businesses and they're interested in entrepreneurship and management”.

The playbook is beginning to take shape, with Nick growing his personal brand. His podcasts, twitter and newsletter now have a great reach for

  • Talent acquisition (putting in place CEO's or hiring folks)

  • Marketing (Nicks audience are business owners - they need his services)

This fly wheel is where the profits of his holdco fuel more growth for his brand. Which in turn means it's easier to source leads for his companies, source talent and generate growth.

It's a self propelling machine.

His Companies

  • Founded in ‘16 opened in ‘17.

  • Raised $10M of outside capita, 90%+ came from people on Twitter.

  • Self storage facility. 1.8M sqft of self-storage facilities across 61 locations in 11 states.

“We put our money in, raised money from friends and family, built a building for $2.9M, learned a ton of development. We built it, got it up and once we got it running that's when we hit our stride we're like ‘Wow this is a great business’ We answer the phone we do some basic stuff and we get a lot of customers”

  • Co-founded in ‘23.

  • Founded in ‘23.

  • Offers property and casualty insurance for commercial real-estate portfolios.

  • Has no more than 10 employees.

  • Dan Hagberg (Huber’s co-founder at Storage Squad) is the director of operations.

  • Nick Huber is a partner.

Are you starting to realise that all of these companies are LINKED, they all are incredibly complimentary to the audience Nick has.

  • Founded in ‘23.

  • Nick Huber started the company and is an investor.

  • aHelps small businesses optimize their taxes.

  • “Our team of experts take the guess work out of tax credits so you can focus on growing your business” (Tax Credit Hunter).

According to his Sept ‘23 tweet, Nick is a partner in the following 5 companies:

  • WebRun Labs

    • Founded in ‘23.

    • Designs and develops websites and landing pages that convert visitors into paying customers.

    • Has 12 employees.

    • Sold 60K of websites in Aug ‘23.

  • BoldSEO

    • Founded in ‘23.

    • Reached 83K monthly recurring revenue in 3 months.

    • They turn websites into a lead-generating machine through SEO.

    • Nick Huber is in charge of growth and a partner.

  • AdRhino

    • Founded in ‘23.

    • Does PPC (pay per click) and paid social ads.

  • Newest Company: Huber Method

    • Founded in ‘23.

    • Sales coaching and executive coaching service.

  • RE Cost Seg

    • Founded in ‘22.

    • Made < $2M as of Oct ‘23.

    • $10M company less than 1 year after launch.

Support Shepherd (the one you all know about)

It was originally founded in ‘09. Helps businesses hire overseas talent for 80-90% less than US rates.

In early 2021 Huber got a call from Support Shepherd wanting him to promote Filipino talent on his X. Huber got a 15% revenue share promoting Support Shepherd.

The company was doing $40-$50K per month revenue. A year later the company grew 7x. Huber attributes some of this growth to Twitter threads that went viral

How he leverages Twitter

I'm just gonna shutup and let Nick explain the power of a personal brand to you here with these three amazing excerpts:

“My real estate private equity company found me, the investors found me, the partners found me, the team, I built a lot of the team on the back of Twitter, and that business exploded and became very big. And I realized really quickly that, hey, a following on Twitter is a cheat code to do business on easy mode, and business is never easy. But when I can find talent with Twitter and I can find customers with Twitter, it's a little bit easier to do business” (Huber, Mundane Millionaires, 08/23).

“Twitter is a funnel. Twitter is a funnel. And people think, hey, Nick got 300K followers because he's the self storage guy or he's a small business guy, or he tweets about entrepreneurship. And that's just not true. It's false. First of all, my Twitter was very valuable to me at 3K followers when all I talked about was self storage. I'm not discouraging people and telling people they have to go big. I raised money to buy my 1st $3M self storage facility from Twitter when I had 3K followers” (Huber, Mundane Millionaires, 08/23).

Need Help?
Time to help. Need Sales Advice? I got you..

Are you running a newsletter right now and are looking for an external sales-experts opinion on wtf is going on?

I’ve helped sell millions of dollars worth of newsletter advertisements. IF you want consulting advice i’m available for calls.

Reply to this email if you’re interested with your problem(s) + budget.


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Don’t forget

Don’t forget to come back next week for Mondays newsletter where I will cover:

  • An insane newsletter sales secret.

  • The deals of this week, and

  • Everything trending now

Talk soon have a great weekend 🙂